NetNeutrals draws upon its 25 years’ experience in training ADR officials when designing and implementing its training process for EU ADR officials. ADR officials are vetted for experience in the industry sector in which they will operate, and for dispute resolution experience. Training is primarily conducted online or via WebEx (in-person training may be done on occasion). Prior to appointment, all ADR officials must successfully complete a post-training exam which is kept on file by the programme. Refresher training is conducted at regular intervals to ensure skills are up to date.
ADR officials are vetted for experience in the sector and regulation in which they will operate and for dispute resolution experience. NetNeutrals expects candidates to demonstrate experience in customer complaint handling, a minimum of three years’ experience in the industry, and/or an advanced degree from an accredited dispute resolution training programme. Training provided by NetNeutrals includes the principles and best practices in mediation, the law, and the regulatory environment in which they operate.
An example of the breadth of experience of our Neutrals is shown below:
Pablo Cortés

Professor of Civil Justice
Licenciado (Vigo), LLM (Limerick), PhD (Cork) Member of the Spanish Bar, Ávila (non-practising), Certified as Catedrático in Spain (ANECA)
Pablo Cortés has a chair in Civil Justice at Leicester Law School where he teaches and conducts research in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), civil procedure and consumer law. He is a member of NetNeutrals EU Advisory Board and acts as an adjudicator for NetNeutrals EU disputes and also CEDR’s aviation disputes scheme.
He has published three books in the field of technology and dispute resolution, and has been invited to speak in many international conferences in over a dozen different countries, including two keynotes. He has been invited to various expert meetings, including by the UN Commission for International Trade Law (UNCITRAL WG III), and to write reports and speak at public hearings by the European Commission (DG SANCO and DG JUSTICE) and the European Parliament (IMCO and JURI–Committee of Legal Affairs). He is a fellow of the National Centre for Technology and Dispute Resolutions (University of Massachusetts –Amherst) and in 2012 he was a Gould Research Fellow at Stanford University. He is a member of the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Taskforce of the International Mediation Institute and of the ODR Advisory Group of the Civil Justice Council, which first proposed the launch of the Online Court in England and Wales. He has been employed as a consultant for a number of organizations, including assisting the European Commission in the drafting of the legislative proposals for the ADR Directive and the ODR Regulation.
Pablo is proficient in Spanish and English language.
Ben Schuster

Ben Schuster is an attorney with extensive experience in alternative dispute resolution. He has administered numerous Lemon Law arbitration programs as well as an online dispute resolution platform. Additionally, he has served as an arbitrator for a prominent online dispute resolution program over the past four years, deciding hundreds of cases during that time.
As an attorney in private practice, Mr. Schuster has taken part in many personal injury and divorce mediations. Mr. Schuster is currently a FINRA-licensed compliance professional in the securities industry."
Ben is qualified to handle B2B cases involving just about anything; with his experience deciding eBay cases, automotive and mechanical equipment would probably be my forte, but he did not feel out of my depth with the couple of one-off cases I've decided over the past year (one involving a grab-bag-type shipment of bulk goods, the other involving the escrow account).
Specialties: Regulatory Compliance, Personal Injury Litigation, Cable Piracy Litigation, Estate Planning, Probate, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Account Management
Brian Hutchinson

Brian Hutchinson, BCL LLM DAL FCIArb BL - Law Lecturer, Arbitrator, Mediator, ADR Consultant, Barrister
Brian is principal of
GBH Dispute Resolution Consultancy which provides arbitration, mediation and ADR services, consultancy, and training.
A qualified arbitrator and mediator, he has served as Arbitrator, as arbitrator’s Legal Advisor, as party Legal Consultant and as Mediator in a number of domestic and international arbitrations and conciliations with total amounts in dispute in excess of €50,000,000; and he has served as expert witness in multi-million pound UK litigation.
An advocate for appropriate alternative dispute resolution, Brian has lectured and advised extensively on Arbitration and ADR to professional bodies and associations, including the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, The Royal Institute of Architects in Ireland, Engineers Ireland, the Society of Chartered Surveyors, the Chief State Solicitor's Office, and the European Institute of Public Affairs, Luxembourg, and he is a regular speaker at the Academy of European Law (ERA) in Triers, Germany, on matters relating to Mediation and ADR, with special interest in cross border consumer disputes.
In addition, Brian has provided training and consultancy to a variety of business and public bodies - past projects include the provision of training for Inquiry Members from the Office of the Irish Financial Regulator, and sitting as Legal Expert and Editor for the European Standards Committee’s project on the Standardisation of On-Line Dispute Resolution tools (
CEN/ISSS - WS/Stand-ODR). In 2008 he advised the Irish Attorney General on aspects of the Irish Arbitration Bill, 2008 which now, as the
Arbitration Act 2010, governs domestic and international arbitration in the Republic of Ireland. He has also been consulted by the Law Reform Commission of Ireland, the Irish National Consumer Agency, and the EU Commission, DG SANCO, with regard to the development and use of ADR in Ireland and Europe.
Brian is Senior Lecturer in the
School of Law, University College Dublin, Ireland, where he has been a member of staff since 1991, and Vice Dean of the Law School from 1996 to 2007. A specialist in the fields of Commercial Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution, he has researched, written and lectured extensively on Arbitration and ADR, Company Law, Commercial Law, Contract Law and Agency, and Information Technology. He is Editor of the Commercial Law Practitioner Law Journal (ISSN 0791-895X) and is former Editor of Irish Business Law Journal (ISSN 1393-6220). He is a member of the Editorial Board of the
Irish Jurist law journal (ISSN 0021-1273).
Brian is also a member of the NetNeutrals EU Advisory Board.
TJ McIntyre

Dr TJ McIntyre is an Associate Professor in the Sutherland School of Law, University College Dublin where his research focuses on issues involving information technology law, cybercrime, and civil liberties.
He holds a BCL from University College Dublin, an LLM from University College London and a PhD from the University of Edinburgh. His doctoral thesis was on the topic of internet filtering law and governance. He qualified as a barrister in the Honorable Society of King's Inns, Dublin where he achieved the Antonia O'Callaghan Prize for Advocacy, and was later admitted as a solicitor by the Law Society of Ireland. He is also a member of the New York Bar.
He practises as a consultant solicitor with FP Logue Solicitors, specialising in data protection and technology law issues. He is a specialist adjudicator under the .ie Alternative Dispute Resolution Policy.
He is chairperson of the civil liberties group Digital Rights Ireland and regularly appears in the national and international media discussing issues of law and technology. Since 2010 he has been the Irish national expert on information society and data protection issues for the EU Fundamental Rights Agency research network.
Erin K. Fay

Erin is a general practice attorney in Wisconsin. She has represented individuals and businesses alike. She has considerable experience both representing corporations and insurance companies in product liability and contract disputes, as well as individuals in personal injury and contract negotiations. She regularly works with companies to develop terms and conditions for product sales.
Attorney Fay is also a registered patent attorney, having prosecuted trademarks and patents before the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

Graham Ross is a UK lawyer and shareholder mediator who helped pioneer the development of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) with particular reference to online mediation since 2001. Graham co-founded the UK's first ODR service, We Can Settle, in 2000 (a blind bidding system), and the online mediation service The Mediation Room.
Graham conducted ODR pilots for PayPal, and for two Small Claims Courts. He is a fellow of the National Center of Technology and Dispute Resolution (NCTDR) at the University of Massachusetts and member of the ODR Advisory Group appointed by the UK Civil Justice Council.
He has advised on ODR to court services in the UK, Bulgaria, and Canada, and the EU. He is a member of the United Nations Expert Panel on Online Dispute Resolution.
Graham advises Modria, the recognized global leaders in the field. He is a member of the EU funded EMCOD project which has developed an online tool for the measurement of justice through ODR and is helping develop ODR standards for the International Mediation Institute.
Graham is lead tutor at as well as for individual mediators in over 20 countries. He delivered training for the Milan Chamber of Arbitration and for the UK Ministry of Justice.
Casework specialisms are shareholder/business partner disputes, IT, IPR, consumer, workplace.
Tony Cole

BA (St. John’s College, MD), JD (University of Michigan), Attorney and counsellor-at-law (New York)
An internationally-recognised expert in international and domestic arbitration, cross-border commerce and international investment law, and I have been involved in international dispute resolution for over 10 years.
In addition to being Reader in Arbitration and Investment Law at the University of Leicester, Tony is Of Counsel at Gentium Law, a Swiss arbitration boutique. Tony is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, a Member of the New York Bar, and previously worked at White & Case in New York City, practising both arbitration and litigation (cross-border disputes, banking disputes, U.S. securities law disputes).
Tony has a broad knowledge of arbitration law and practice in jurisdictions throughout Europe and the Americas, and in 2015 delivered a report to the European Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee on arbitration across the European Union and Switzerland, which discussed arbitration law and practice in each Member State of the European Union and Switzerland, including information on over 30 European arbitral institutions. He is currently undertaking similar work across the Americas.
He has authored publications that have appeared in leading international journals on a range of topics.
Tont has also taught arbitration and investment law, English contract law, international sales transactions, WTO law and public international law
He has previously published the book The Structure of Investment Arbitration, and is currently under contract to produce books on arbitration for Cambridge University Press, Kluwer Law International and Routledge.
Tony has been invited to speak on arbitration around the world, including Australia, the United States, Hong Kong, Sweden, Ireland, Poland, Portugal, the United Kingdom and Switzerland.
Katherine Newcomer

Katherine G. Newcomer graduated from Drew University, Madison, N.J. cum laude with B.A. in Music and Religion. She ‘read religion’ during her senior year at Ripon Hall, Oxford, UK. She earned her JD in 1978 from Rutgers – The State University, School of Law, Newark, N.J. She is a member of the NJ Bar since 1978.
Early in her legal career, she worked for Belsole and Heeb, Murphy and Kurnos, and Joseph Mezzacca. Her practice is solely limited to mediation and arbitration. While very experienced in divorce mediation, her practice extends to Civil Arbitration. Her experience in Dispute Resolution and Arbitration is extensive.
Since 2011, she has also conducted hearings and written decisions for CAP Motors through DeMars and Associates, as well as written decisions for CAP Homes. Two of these awards were published by Thomson Reuters Westlaw Classic. She has decided over three hundred and fifty cases for Net Neutrals since November, 2012.
She is a Court approved mediator for Custodial Mediation for the Superior Court of NJ, Vicinage 13, is on the Court Roster through the AOC for Economic Mediation, and is also on the Foreclosure Mediation Roster in Morris, Somerset, and Hunterdon Counties. She served as a Director on NJAPM Board from 2008 to 2013. From 2014 to 2015, she served as the Secretary for the Board for Safe Harbor Access Centers and was a Director from 2007 to 2015 when it closed.
She served on the NJAPM Ad Hoc committee that explored the limits of mediation in New Jersey from 2012 to 2013. She developed and implemented educational webinars for NJAPM and has both organized and moderated them. In that capacity, she served on the NJAPM Education Committee as the Webinar chair from May, 2014 through 2017. She is the Chairperson for NJAPM Peer Mediation Groups state-wide. She has developed and organized five conferences for NJAPM on Mediation in the state of New Jersey from 2015 to 2017.
Roger Moss

Roger Moss is Mediation Counsel and program administrator for the Conflict Intervention Service, an innovative program that reduces evictions in San Francisco’s supportive and affordable housing communities. CIS is funded by a grant from the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development, and is operated by the Bar Association of San Francisco.
Following graduation from UC Berkeley and Hastings College of the Law, Roger worked in the commercial real estate industry in negotiation and executive roles. He has managed landlord tenant conflict in the nation’s most culturally diverse environments, including San Francisco, Manhattan, Los Angeles, and Honolulu.
Roger’s private practice focuses on mediation, negotiation consulting, and ADR project management. He co-founded the Napa Mediation Center and established a mediation panel for the King County Bar Association, before joining the CIS initiative.
Roger is an active member of the California and Washington Bar Associations, and serves as chairman of the board and acting executive director for the Association of Dispute Resolution for Northern California.
Redondo Melchor Norberto

Norberto is a Senior Engineering Consultant with 15 years experience in electric power, mechanical and civil structures. He has also been a University Associate Professor in Electrical Power Systems, Energy Efficiency, and other related subjects for 11 years.
He has proven effective competence on legal and regulatory matters nad was a University Associate Professor on European Union law for 7 years.
Norberto has 15 years experience in research on electricity and renewable sources, effective skills in automation at industrial and tertiary levels and wide experience in mechanical and power systems commissioning.
He is familiar with international environmental certification procedures and standards (EMAS , ISO 14000, LEED).
He has extensive international travelling and working experience (Europe, Central America, North-Africa).
Norberto is fluent in English, French and Spanish and proficient in Portuguese.
Anusha Reddy

Anusha is Barrister / Advocate / Legal Associate, Member of the Honourable Society of Middle Temple and Member of the Malaysian BAR. Currently a Lecturer/Tutor at Brickfields Asia College, Malaysia specialising in Commercial Law for the University of London Programme and Contract Law for the UK Transfer Programme
Anusha experience includes specialisation in Finance and Banking Law in areas of practice including banking and insolvency litigation, corporate litigation, general civil litigation, general contract disputes, land disputes, out of court settlements – arbitration, and forgery matters
Anusha has a good command of English, Bahasa Malaysia and Tamil; Basic Hindi